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AviMetro - Línea 4 - Cristobal Colón - / Martes 15 de Agosto del año 2006 / 15:28 Horas.

Asesoría en Proyectos de Arte y Cultura
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Seminario Peritaje y Tasación Obras de Arte

18 de agosto, 9:00 horas.

Por primera vez en Chile, expertos nacionales y extranjeros se reúnen para evaluar el estado de situación del proceso de peritaje y del mercado del arte en nuestro país.

Este seminario se realizará el día viernes 18 de agosto de 9:00 a 14:00 horas en la Sede de Postgrado de la UAI, ubicada en Av. Presidente Errázuriz 3485, Las Condes.

posted by Gestion de Arte at 14.8.06 0 comments  


Arts and Cultural Management - English Version Profile

Enter here to view Rosario Martínez's complete English Profile

Rosario Martínez, Cultural Administrator, private Consultant and Art Dealer. Principally involved in creation and management of artistic and cultural projects, creation and proposals development.

Also involved in planning, organization and strategic direction in order to increase Chile´s cultural and arts development and audience participation, and to enlarge institutions' profit value. Other responsibilities include promoting business and development agreements and responding to public’s expectations.

Her work in the field of arts and cultural manangement includes working as a consultant agency dedicated to the management and promotion of Chilean arts and also throughout Internet Art Gallery.
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